Neil's Tour 2003: Chicago-Atlanta-Chicago


Day 15

Atlanta, GA to Atlanta, GA
0 miles, 0 mph average speed, 0:00:00 on the bike, 0 feet of climbing

I actually lied yesterday. I didn't have 0 miles, because I rode my bike to the grocery store. But I didn't have the bike computer on, and I didn't figure it really counted as part of the trip anyway. Now, this day, I didn't even get on the bike at all.

My food intake seemed to level off a little bit, although I still ate a whole lot more than most normal people should eat in a day.

At the concert, I got to see my favorite band, Rage, and they kicked ass. Not only that, but Peavy Wagner, the main guy in Rage, announced that there was a guy who rode his bicycle from Chicago to see them, and then pointed me out when he spotted me. So that was pretty much the best thing ever.

It's pretty neat to find out how many people have been reading this thing. If you're looking for attention, apparently riding your bicycle around the country is a pretty good way to get it. Even a few people I didn't really "know" at all came up to me and said they've been reading along every day, so that's really cool.

The show was finished at about 2:00AM, and I had to make myself avoid all the post-show gatherings. I'm sure it would have been fun to hang out with a bunch of people to all hours of the night, but I figured it was more important to make sure that my ride home got started off on the right foot. I've never been on a bicycle with a hangover, and I didn't think this was the time to find out how it feels.